TidyCal Explained: Everything You Need to Know About This Powerful Scheduling Tool – 2024

TidyCal is a popular scheduling tool designed to simplify the process of managing appointments and staying organized. In this blog post, we’ll explore everything you need to know about TidyCal, including its features, pricing, integration capabilities, and more. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of whether TidyCal is the right solution to streamline your scheduling process and enhance your productivity.

Overview of TidyCal

TidyCal is a minimal scheduling tool that helps you save time on booking appointments, meetings or events. No matter you are a freelancer, consultant or small business owner this user friendly platform let you walk on the path of smart time management. TidyCal makes booking easy, with a simple and user-friendly interface to eliminate the back-and-forth of scheduling overall an effortless experience for you as well as your clients.

Simplicity is one of the defining features of TidyCal. While some scheduling tools are complex and come with a layer of bells or whistles, TidyCal does the way Frank did it — keep its head down and focus in on what matters to most users without taking up more time than need be. This can make it a great option for anyone looking to get common features without paying too much.

Anyhow, it perfectly integrates with all popular calendar apps (Google Calendar, Outlook) so you can always have your appointments in-sync. Having this integration is very important to make sure you can keep juggling schedules and never get caught overbooking meetings. Furthermore, TidyCal also provides booking pages that are fully customizable in design — so you can ensure the experience a customer has when booking looks exactly like your brand.

As per the pricing standpoint, TidyCal is much cheaper than other scheduling tools which make it affordable for every individual and small business people too. With a competitive price structure and straightforward functionality, TidyCal is an ideal choice for anyone who wants to create more streamlined scheduling.

In a nutshell, TidyCal is an affordable and dependable tool for those in need of appointment scheduling. With an emphasis on simplicity, basic functionality and the ability to work with any existing calendar app, it is certainly a leading name in scheduling among other tools.

Ease of Use

The philosophy behind TidyCal designs the app to be “stupid easy” so no matter user level, you could use it as your daily scheduling tool. Throughout the straightforward setup process — which takes a couple of minutes from the moment you sign up on their side. A benefit like that is a boon for people with busy lives who require some kind of work plan but might not have the time to invest in learning an entire new system.

TidyCal has a simple and intuitive user interface, with all options are well labeled and placed in the right place. From configuring your availability, customizing your booking page to integration with other calendar, each of these steps can be walked you through effortlessly. Other scheduling tools can be somewhat overwhelming and difficult to use, TidyCal cuts through this noise right to the features that actually matter.

Your customers can easily book meetings using TidyCal as well. And with a glance at your availability, they should be able to book the right time for themselves without slogging through menus or forms. It is simple and ensures a smooth experience for anyone who happens to use your scheduling system.

If it will be necessary for the individual to make some last-minute changes, then TidyCal is responsive and can even provide a link that enables them to view your availability on any device. TidyCal fits your schedule whether you are on desktop, tablet or smartphone.

In general, TidyCal is the best for ease of use and not-so-professional who want a scheduler which powerful but simple to handle. It aims to streamline schedule management for only the things that matter with a simple and elegant design.

Features and Functionality

Thanks to its advanced set of features and functionalities, TidyCal makes the cumbersome task of scheduling easy for everyone while boosting overall productivity. TidyCal is a simple tool but powerful enough to handle the basic appointment management.

Appointment Scheduling:

Appointment Scheduling — TidyCal core Typical users can provision the times they are available, setup recurring slots and appointments with nearly 3-4 clicks. And that allows you to easily manage capacity with zero risk of double booking.

Calendar Integrations:

You can integrate TidyCal with popular calendar software such as Google Calendar and Outlook. You’ll never double book yourself or miss a meeting with this sync across Everything. With seamless two-way syncing, TidyCal automatically updates your availability on both of the following calendars ensuring anything you add through TidyCal is also reflected in your existing calendar and backwards.

Customizable Booking Pages:

TidyCal lets you design your own booking pages inline with the theme of your brand. You are able to customize, add multiple booking types and any instructions for your clients. This level of personalization improves the overall look and context of your professional scheduling, which is more likely to attract potential clients.

Payment Processing:

For anyone who sells their time (coaches and consultants, I’m looking at you), TidyCal offers payment processing directly in the booking experience. You also take payments through PayPal or Stripe and can charge your customers for appointments in advance, making the process easy for payment collection taking away the back of billing several times. Useful For Freelancers, Consultants & Service Providers

Automated Reminder and Alerts:

One of the most annoying reminders going out to your clients is a SMS notification or reminder! — TidyCal have automated email notifications and locally CRM sent information which resonates a little more CJH. This, in return, would reduce no-shows making you as the business owner and your clients are up to date with dates on when they should be meeting next.

Time Zone Detection:

TidyCal automatically detects your clients time zone so all bookings are in the correct time zone. When time zone differences become an issue, it is impossible for professionals who are working with clients in another part of the world. This will find this feature very useful.

Group Bookings:

TidyCal is a multi-participant group booking tool where many people can schedule an appointment, all in one shot. What this does is that Kendra really gives meeting hosts a lot of freedom as they manage team workshops, webinars or meetings.

To close out, TidyCal poses a full suite of tools for the mix and amplitude marketing professional With the robust scheduling features, customizing options and integrating flawlessly TidyCal is versatile enough for appointment management. No matter, you are a freelancer or large team TidyCal is the solution to play by keeping all of your scheduling process in one place.

Pricing and Plans

Price Pricing is simple and affordable, making TidyCal accessible to everyone from freelancers up through small business owners. TidyCal is another simple tool with all the essential features, but not much complexity around pricing.

Free Plan:

With a free plan, TidyCal comes packed with all the core features one would need for essential scheduling. Ideal for individuals or small businesses who need an easy-to-use scheduling app at no cost to set up it. Free plan: Let customers request appointments, book 1 calendar at a time & simple booking page It is a great choice for beginners or when you have minimum scheduling requirements.

Lifetime Deal:

One of the best things about TidyCal has to be its lifetime deal, instead of paying monthly with other alternatives it gives you a one-time payment. It will be a one-time offer for all premium features of TidyCal available to you at an exceptionally low price. The plan offers unlimited calendar integrations, booking pages are customizable and also has payments. The lifetime deal is perfect for those of you looking to save money every month or year while enjoying the benefits InVideo has to offer.

No Hidden Costs:

TidyCal has a simple, transparent pricing model that ensures no surprise fees or hidden charges. You get what you pay for (no small print) – no hidden extra costs as most expenses are predictable. This level of transparency is a major step up from competitors who typically require layer upon later or more money to unlock the full potential.

Value for Money:

When it comes to pricing TidyCal is very competitive with other scheduling tools out there yet greatly giving an emphasis on the value for your money. TidyCal is even available for users that are so budget conscious, they will not be able to resist. Additionally, since Basecamp is offered as a one-time payment tool that users can own outright without worrying about ongoing costs only extends its appeal.

Suitable for Various Needs:

TidyCal has their pricing plans which matched with different kinds and sizes of need, whether you are solo professional or smaller business. Although there is a free plan which works well for casual users, the lifetime deal suits those who want it all as long-term solution.

In short, Tidycal is a hassle free and pocket-friendly web application with both features from the first plan to last one as there pricing relies on Features offered by them. A free plan is one of the factors that makes TidyCal appealing to anyone looking for budget-friendly ways to streamline their scheduling process, especially when coupled with affordable lifetime deals.

Integration Capabilities

True to its name, TidyCal is all about integration. Connect with the tools and platforms you already use in a snap. This will make sure your scheduling matches perfectly with what the rest of your workflow already has – meaning it´s more seamless and causes less confusion.

Calendar Integrations:

Integration: One of the Chiefest integration features you would find on TidyCal is its capability to work seamlessly with almost all popular calendar platforms including Google Calendar, Outlook & Apple Calendar. Integration with other apps, so that your appointments and schedule are consistent across devices Easily sync TidyCal to your custom calendar so that all bookings automatically populate and keep your schedule up-to-date without having you do any report!

Payment Gateway Integrations:

Made for booking paid appointments, integrates with major payment Gateways like PayPal & Stripe. The integration that will make it easier for our clients to pay is a native payment process which comes summoned when they book an appointment. Here you can link your payment accounts with TidyCal to charge TBW for a smooth and secure transaction where all payments are linked directly opening up the revenue collection process.

CRM Integrations:

For businesses requiring extensive client tracking and management, TidyCal integration with CRM tools is a game-changer. Integrating TidyCal with your CRM system, like HubSpot or Salesforce enables the automatic appointment logging and client records update. That way you can stay on top of all your customer interactions, improving your relationship management skills and follow up quality.

Email Marketing Integrations:

TidyCal also supports integrations with common email marketing platforms, if you are someone who uses an industry-standard service like Mailchimp or ActiveCampaign. The integrations help in adding customers that have scheduled appointments to your email lists so you can get more follows up on mails, newsletters or promo flight offers during the conversation. It is beneficial for businesses that are looking to nurse leads and stay in touch with their customers.

How about video conferencing integrations

Video conferencing has never been so essential than in the age where remote work is now common practice. Using this integration, usher clients to seamlessly use meeting links when booking an appointment since TidyCal integrates with PCIe compliant video conferencing platforms like Zoom and Google Meet. This integration takes out the scheduling step and prompts everyone as soon as they can to join in on that meeting.

API Availability:

Advanced users or businesses with very specific needs can utilize an open API from TidyCal, enabling possible integrations with other tools or platforms that are not natively supported. This allows you to customize TidyCal even further, so that it can be adjusted according to your workflow in nearly limitless ways.

Task Management Integrations:

You can also connect TidyCal with task management tools such as Asana or Trello making it possible that every booking on your book is directly a new to-do point connected. This integration will keep you on the pulse of things and help to improve productivity so no appointments or follow-ups are missed.

To sum it up, TidyCal is a very flexible and robustly built tool that can fit in seamlessly with your current stack of tools / platforms due to its integration abilities. If you want to sync a bespoke calendar, sell tickets or even subscriptions then tidyCal provides the functionality for that… not just limited to being connected only with email marketing and video conferencing tools.

Customer Service and Education

TidyCal has a decent customer support system in place, alongside tons of guides and resources to help you navigate the app better. No matter how familiar you are with scheduling tools, TidyCal helps you get the most out of managing your appointments by offering guidance and advice.

Customer Support Channels:

There are few different options for customer support in TidyCal so you can reach somebody no matter when your issue comes up. You can contact the platform with questions or issues via email as a primary means of doing so. TidyCal has a very responsive and helpful customer support where you can ask your queries or solutions to problems.

Knowledge Base and FAQs:

TidyCal user who like to self-help can navigate through TdyiCal’s rich knowledge base where virtually all topics are covered. These include both step-by-step tutorials walkthroughs, troubleshooting guides as well detailed descriptions of different functionalities. It is a critical component that aids in solving fairly common problems and helps minimize the total number of tickets filed as all such basic queries are answered efficiently through this easy to access FAQs section.

Video Tutorials:

TidyCal also has some video tutorials that can guide you through the platform. These tutorials are a golden opportunity for visual learners who love to watch those features in action. So, be it while you are setting up your account or integrating with other tools out there or may be as simple customizing your booking page where all the video tutorials come in clear and to-the-point manner.

Community Support:

TidyCal has an active user community that allows users to network, share their own comments & tips or ask questions. This type of help driven by the community is a great opportunity to gain some insights from other users and learn about different ways you could be using TidyCal. If you engage with the community though, often they will give you insight into best practices mentioned through forums etc which is not covered by official documentation.

Updates and Improvements:

TidyCal is growing and getting better with each update, new features are being introduced on regular bases to make sure no user wait for months for their feature request. Since coming to TidyCal, the team builds products feature by listening to what users need. Staying constantly focused on this desire to get better makes TidyCal a new and top-notch solution as time evolves.

Onboarding Support:

TidyCal offers onboarding support for new users to set you up fast and get going quickly. On the other hand, onboarding consists of guided setup instructions along with guidance to help you make full-use of it as a platform. And that support can be especially helpful to customers who may have previously used a different type of scheduling tool, or are setting up their very first schedule.

Detailed Documentation:

There is extensive documentation available for TidyCal that encompasses all parts of the platform. This is the catch-all documentation for anyone who wants to learn more about some parts, dig into features or look up at advanced configurations. The documentation looks well-organized with a simple and user-friendly navigation making it easy to find what you are looking for.

In short, TidyCal is incredibly well-supported and user-friendly. Whether you require personalized help, self-serve resources, or peer engagement, TidyCal will grant the tools and support needed to maximize your scheduling system experience.

User Reviews and Feedback

What other users say about TidyCal: Reviews and feedback for this meeting scheduler stress on its ease, speed, value. TidyCal also comes praised for its simplicity, affordability and basic functionality across various customer review sites — a typical favorite amongst freelancers, individual business owners and professionals in general.

Ease of Use:

User reviews often compliment TidyCal on how simple it is to use as well. The users like the simple installation process and easy to use interface in minutes they able to schedule appointments without having a large learning curve. Most reviews like how TidyCal has simplified the scheduling process to allow anyone, even otherwise non-techy individuals.

Value for Money:

One of the primary reasons TidyCal receives endless praises is due to its budget-friendly nature, exclusive passes available throughout life. A few reviewers said that they do feel this is a great value for the price, especially compared to other scheduling tools. The blend of basic functionalities and cheap pricing is a beautiful solution to handling your appointments if you are on budget.

Essential Features:

Even though, TidyCal is designed to be simple and easy tool but users love it because at the same time its robust enough that inspite of having limited features all the possible basic solutions are available. While it lacks some additional features, such as calendar integrations and customizable booking pages with detailed instructions for the customer on how to book an appointment, TidyCal does offer all of the core functionality needed in order to manage appointments effectively. Users like how TidyCal keeps things simple and only focuses on what truly matters, without the fluff or overly complicated stuff.

Customer Support:

The awesome customer support appears numerous times in user feedback! Customers also say that the support team is very responsive, friendly and quick to solve any problems. Users struggling with the tool say that the comprehensive resources are one of crowdrise’s best assets (knowledge base, video tutorials).

Areas for Improvement:

Although the bulk of user feedback has been positive, there are some areas where TidyCal could arguably be better. A couple of reviews mention the need for deeper levels of customization or integration with less-popular tools as an example. But these spots are usually small and have little effect on the good time most people experience.

Reliability and Performance:

You use TidyCal due to its accuracy and efficiency. ProsUsers like how stable the platform is, and that it has minimal downtime while keeping up with their promises. Customer reviews often praise the platform for its ease of use when it comes to booking appointments, as well as responsiveness across all devices.

Comparison to Competitors:

User Reviews : Many users like to compare this tool with other scheduling tools they have used in the past. TidyCal is often compared as a lower cost and simpler solution to less feature-rich platforms. Many of the people who have switched to TidyCal also comment on it being more user-friendly and less busy providing them with all scheduling they need in one suite.

Overall, users have excellent things to say about TidyCal — it scores high marks on the ease of use and value for money scales as well essential functionality. If the wrinkles will smoothed out over time, then overall TidyCal is a good choice for those in need of an appointment management tool.

Performance and Reliability

TidyCal, on the other hand, is a high performing and reliable solution that ensures regular scheduling for professionals. It is a platform that will optimize and minimize the time required to manage your appointments on an almost daily basis.

Uptime and Stability:

Uptime — UpTime is one of the key indicators that suggest you just how reliable a solution like TidyCal can be. It has a very high “uptime” which means it is up and running most of the time when people are in need. It added that stability is vital for its customers — professionals using Tidycal to track appointments, and any downtime could disrupt their schedules leading in missed meetings/repeating conflicts. One thing users enjoy about TidyCal is it will always be there for them. in other words, you can rest assured that your scheduling system has a structure to adhere by thanks to us!

Speed and Responsiveness:

Users also love that TidyCal is fast and responsive. TidyCal works well and fast on both desktop, your tablet or phone. That helps leave room for people who are truly on the move, running from their phone to the car or living a gypsy life with a tablet in the day and laptop at night. The platform is designed to operate very quickly so users can easily edit their schedules without waiting for the calendar.

More on High Volume Booking Management

TidyCal is capable of handling large numbers of appointments, which has worked out well for users who manage the piles on daily basis. It scales well: performs without major stability and performance issues under stresses from a high number of bookings. For businesses that run at a certain scale, (i.e., SLA for successfully scheduling etc.) this reliability is crucial so their scheduling system doesn’t fall to its knees when demand rises.

Minimal Technical Issues:

According to user feedback, TidyCal very rarely has any kind of issues with the platform. Simplicity design and only having what is most important. pros: less features more robust = less bugs / glitches I have had a few issues and they addressed them quickly, in their defense – support is very responsive often there are app updates that seems to follow the feedback of users.

Security Measures:

Another key aspect of reliability is security, something TidyCal does not overlook. This means registered charity numbers), and use industry-standard security protocols to manage how the processing of user data, such as encrypted connections for users accessing our platform from Tor. This level of transparency and commitment to protecting user data is crucial as it instills even more confidence in TidyCal users allowing them to trust the platform with their information, adding an extra layer reliability.

Universal Performance – Where Customers Use It:

The way TidyCal works across devices as well, is one reason its such a favorite. Whether users are using a desktop or mobile, they have the same level of reliability and functionality. Greater overall peace of mind: important for anyone who uses the same notes from a variety of devices.

They ensure your website is regularly updated and maintained

TidyCalDevelopment team behind Tidycal — scheduling for professionals.TidyCal’s development team is well aware of this and they continue to work on making sure the performanceRead more about it >> There will be frequent updates to fix any bugs or issues and also improve the functionality and add more features. This is how TidyCal stays a dependable tool for its audience conforming to what the users are demanding from it now and will do so in the future.

To sum it up, TidyCal is a solid software in terms of performance and reliability with a reliable stability which allows users to navigate quickly and securely on their scheduling journey. TidyCal perfectly excels in maintaining a high uptime, swift load times and reliable design that users can rely on to stack up their schedule unconditionally no matter how large the volume of scheduling.

Security and Privacy

If scheduling is anything you can say about TidyCal, it security and privacy should be the very top of that list as a matter in fact! It takes all the required privacy best practices so that your and your clients’ data stay secure how it should be.

Data Encryption:

To be clear, data shared between TidyCal users is encrypted and follows the current cutting-edge encryption standards. Which means that in simple words, your appointment details like — the name of patient and other personal information & payment gateway info completely encrypted when they get transferred so no worry about being Hijacked. SUPREMASURE: Your data is always safe, no muss and importantly- NO fuss

Secure Payment Processing:

For anyone that is receiving payments through TidyCal, security will be the highest of their concerns. This platform is linked to secure payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe which are well-guarded by their stringent security protocols. We rely on this is where the payment gateways comes from as these are part of critical in taking your financial information well maintained during a transaction giving you an end to protection while making payments. This is good for TidyCal because it means they never need to collect payment information and halves the risk of a data breach.

Privacy Controls:

TidyCal Own Privacy Control Of Datagenden Can Keep Permission And Manage Visible Or Not Info. Data can be selectively hidden from the booking pages, and confidential data is only available to those that should have access.getOutputStream Writer Feature Such containment is critical to safeguarding strict customer confidentiality and privacy.

Its simply comply with the data protection law

TidyCal complies with global data protection protocols including the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). There are laws in place that the makers of the platforms need to obey when it comes to using our data, this means they have certain guidelines around how we can expect them to treat or do things with user info and privacy(this helps us avoid some legal) grounds. TidyCal is compliant with these laws for the sake of user privacy: The above-listed legislation provides several other rights but TidyCal also abides by them.

User Authentication:

And let me tell you about user authentication without the whole TidyCal ordeal wish I could say this for others. Multi-factor Authentication (MFA): Adding extra layer of security to your accounts, you can enable MFA. Hard to guess passwords + Multi-factor authentication (MFA) asking users for a second piece of identification usually from an app on their smart phone which decreases the chances someone can share login details are having unauthorized access area.

Regular Security Audits:

Security Audits & Assessments TidyCal is evaluated and penetrated tested to find vulnerabilities as soon as possible. A full audit by security professionals of the platform where they scrutinise them line by line. Also, by screening up security area and enhancing them appropriately through well timed this proves that it stays absent from any type menace.

Retention, Deletion and Policy of Data

TidyCal maintains a data retention and deletion policy to manage the lifecycle of personal user data. It allows for any user to request that their data be deleted at all times, where information is not left lying around until someone decides they are no longer going to use it. This practice adheres to established privacy best practices and gives users more control over their individual data.

Transparent Privacy Policy:

TidyCal — A good and clear privacy policy are a must which tells everything about the data that is collected, stored & used with respect to GDPR. The Privacy Policy is also easily accessible and written in a language that every user can understand, so they know what rights to privacy do they have. Transparency as the Basis of Everything — by maintaining absolute transparency all throughout, it helps reinforce that user privacy continues to be their number one concern for TidyCal.

To conclude, TidyCal gives the highest priority to security and privacy issues it does everything within its reach so users can feel safe as per international rules. With end-to-end secured appointments to well-tested Stripe payment, GDPR-ready privacy and frequent audits, Tidycal is also the last stop of yours security purpose while caring about your users

Pros and Cons

If TidyCal is in your list of considerations for a scheduling tool, there are a few pros and cons you will need to consider. This article is about the pros and cons of TidyCal.


Ease of Use:

This is particularly true because TidyCal has an intuitive and easy-to-use interface. The platform is easy to use, so users of all technical backgrounds. With simple setup and straight up usability, you are able to schedule your appointment in no time.

Affordable Pricing:

Calendly or TidyCal has pricing based on the tier of plans, You will get lifetime access to it in great price. This competitive pricing model positions it as a viable solution for freelancers, small businesses and other professionals who seek an affordable scheduling option without the monthly fees.

Essential Features:

But as simple it is, TidyCal has most of the features one requires to handle scheduling efficiently. Although TidyCal hits on most of the standard features that you would expect, calendar integrations and custom booking pages to payment processing and automated reminders are done very well basics.

Integration Capabilities:

It works natively with top calendars like Google Calendar and Outlook whice TidyCal ensures that you will never be left out of the loop. We have integrations in place for syncing appointments, collecting payments and keeping a calendar across all platforms clutter-free.

Reliability and Performance:

The way it performs is hardly questionable and downtime really minimal with TidyCal. It loads quickly on both desktop and mobile, which creates a responsive feel. For someone for whom their scheduling tool being consistently available is the lifeblood of a professionals workflow, this reliability matters.

Strong Security and Privacy:

TidyCal does more than just ensure all of the above, they take your security and privacy very seriously which is why it follows best in class encryption standards along with secure payment processing and compliance to data protection laws. It also helps keep your and your customers’ data safe.


Limited Advanced Features:

Though TidyCal is great for the basic scheduling needs, there are some advanced features that may not be present and required by power users. Say, users who need very deep analytics or high customization possibilities and complex workflows could experience some limited factors using TidyCal compared to other alternative platforms.

No Phone Support:

In addition, TidyCal only offers email support which can be a deal-breaker for consumers who require phone-based help or instant feedback. As a whole, the email support is quite responsive; however not having an actual phone could hinder people who prefer to seek direct help in real time.

Basic Customization:

TidyCal does enable you to do some customization of booking pages, but it is quite basic compared with those in tools where the branding and design options are more extensive. However, it will be restrictive for some users who have a requirement to do specific design behind this.

Limited Free Plan:

Very minimum powerfull features TidyCal offers on it’s free plan but like less integration, limited customization and so forth. The lifetime deal or paid plan is a must for those who need advanced features — this might not work with someone on shoestring budget.

Group Booking Restrictions:

TidyCal also allows for group booking, but this is quite limited and can be tough to use if you have some complex needs around how your events are scheduled by a many people or done with specific roles like who attends large meetings.

To sum it up, TidyCal is an easy-to-use and full-featured scheduling solution with strong fundamentals that make it very user friendly and affordable. It does have some limitations though, especially for those users who require more advanced features or a high degree of customization. You can easily judge if TidyCal is suited for your scheduling needs by evaluating these pros and cons.


TidyCal brands itself as a simple, dependable and affordable scheduling tool for freelancers small business owners & professionals seeking an easy way to manage their appointments Covering all the base requirements with its simplicity of use, essential features and pricing to back that up TidyCal is a strong force in scheduling tools space.

The platform easily connects to all popular calendars and payment gateways, as well the added layers of security onto your booking process keep both you and clients enjoy a seamless scheduling services. Although it does not provide extensive features found in more complicated tools, its user-friendly approach and productivity makes TidyCal a great for someone who needs something simple yet amazing!

So all things considered, TidyCal offers a reliable and very powerful scheduling solution accessible for anyone who is in need of one without the requirements you have with other tools as it comes to learning or costs. Whether you are handling a couple of appointments or an entire week packed with bookings, TidyCal can help make your scheduling easier and more breezy so that your precious time is spent the way it should be: on growing your business and serving clients.

TidyCal is definitely one of the best tools in this category, for anyone looking to get simple and no frills scheduler done right. This is an option you can get attached to for sure: not the best thing in its category, but a great value between affordability and user-friendliness.

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